National Korea Maritime & Ocean University Researchers Develop a New Control Method That Optimizes…The novel method accounts for the dynamic conditions in a real sea that affect the manoeuvring performance of autonomous shipsMar 13, 2024Mar 13, 2024
National Korea Maritime and Ocean University Researchers Explore the Impact of Microplastics and…While microplastics and benzo[α]pyrene individually induce stress in goldfish, their combined impact leads to increased stress and DNA…Jan 10, 2024Jan 10, 2024
Korea Maritime & Ocean University Researchers Develop a New Method for Path-Following Performance…The developed computational fluid dynamics model can lead to more accurate predictions of path-following performanceJan 3, 2024Jan 3, 2024
KMOU Scientist Highlight Limitations in the Design Guidelines for Liquid Cargo TanksCurrent methodologies misrepresent the sloshing phenomenon, which is critical in the maritime transport of liquid hydrogen and liquefied…Nov 22, 20231Nov 22, 20231
KMOU Researchers Propose an Organic-Solvent-Free Method for Producing Nanosized VateriteThe researchers used indirect carbonation to synthesize vaterite particles as small as 683 nanometers, suitable for pharmaceuticals and…Nov 7, 2023Nov 7, 2023
KMOU Researchers Propose a Novel Liquid Filter for Enhanced Solar Energy UtilizationThe innovative emulsion filter improves the energy harvesting capabilities of de-coupled photovoltaic-thermal systemsSep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
KMOU Scientists Develop an Energy-Efficient Wireless Power and Information Transfer SystemThe new framework for solving the energy efficiency problem outperforms state-of-the-art systemsSep 5, 2023Sep 5, 2023
KMOU Researchers Develop a Novel Algorithm for Mitigating COVID-19 Spread in ShipsResearchers develop a close contact identification algorithm for effectively tracking and physically isolating individuals in confined…Aug 28, 2023Aug 28, 2023
Korea Maritime and Ocean University Researchers Lay out Strategies for Up-scaling of…Researchers summarize effective strategies to up-scale and commercialize bioelectrochemical systems for recovering valuable resources from…Jan 19, 2023Jan 19, 2023
Leveraging Machine Learning to Help Predict Ship Exhaust Gas EmissionsResearchers build an AI model that can prediction emissions under different air-to-fuel ratiosJan 4, 2023Jan 4, 2023